Legal and Privacy Policy

The Furnish Your Interior Privacy Policy sets out what information we collect, how we collect it, and how we use it.

This refers to information such as your name, contact details, travel preferences and special needs/disabilities/dietary requirements that you supply us or is supplied to us, including any information about other persons on your booking (“your information”). Your information is collected when you request information from us, contact us (and vice versa) or make a booking. You are responsible for ensuring that other members of your party are aware of the content of our Privacy Policy and consent to your acting on their behalf in all your dealings with us. We will update your information whenever we can to keep it current, accurate and complete. For the purpose of providing you with our services, including your holiday or insurance, etc., we may have to disclose your information to service providers.

We may collect and use your information for the purposes set out in our registration with the Office of the Information Commissioner, and disclose the same to our group companies, companies who act as “data processors” on our behalf, or to our service providers operating systems or business functions on our behalf, some of whom are outside the UK/EEA. These business purposes include administration, providing services (and contacting you where necessary), customer care, service quality, business management and operation, re-organisation, credit checking and debt collection. Information (such as health or religion) may be considered “sensitive personal data” under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as it applies in the UK, tailored by the Data Protection Act 2018. We collect it to cater to your needs or act in your interest, and we are only prepared to accept sensitive personal data from you on the condition that we have your positive consent. By booking with us you also agree for your insurers, their agents and medical staff to disclose relevant information and sensitive personal data to us in circumstances where we need to act on your behalf or in the interest of everyone in the group you are travelling with, or in an emergency.

If you do not agree to our use of your information as above, we cannot do business with you or accept your booking.

We may from time to time contact you with information on offers of goods and services, brochures, new products, forthcoming events or competitions from our holiday divisions and our holiday group companies. Our websites will assume you agree to e-communications when you make a booking.

On completing our Data Subject Access Request form, you are entitled to a copy of the information we hold about you for free and to correct any inaccuracies. You have the right to ask not to receive direct marketing material from us. You can call or email us, or unsubscribe via our email. For a list of our group companies or brands, please send us your request.

If our contact and dealing with you is via our website(s), we may use “cookies”. Cookies allow us to identify your computer but not you personally. Please see our full Cookie Policy.

To ensure that we carry out your instructions accurately, improve our service and for security, we may monitor and/or record: (1) telephone calls; (2) transactions and activities on our website. All recordings are and shall remain our sole property.

We have taken all reasonable steps to have in place appropriate security measures to protect your information. Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be posted on our website.

Any image of you secured or that were taken on our holidays may be used by the company without charge in all media for bona fide marketing purposes.